R.I.P. Miss Star Sun Im 6-25-2010 by Sara Ng

11:24 PM / / comments (0)

Where does one begin? Star, I can't believe you're gone. It comes and goes in waves. You're my best friend, you are the one I always went to... to cry, to laugh, to vent, to make wonderful memories with. We always said, no one has lived better lives or could tell better stories then the ones we have lived through. (I'm keeping my promise, and that book will publish one day) embarrassing moments, journeys and all. I'm not going to make this a sob story, as I know you wouldn't want that. You'd want to be laughing and cackling your butt off instead.. so here's my stab at this. To my little ninja... the nickname derived from when we use to party and we'd be the only ones awake. You draw the V for Vendeta on ppl with a Sharpie and if they stirred, you run off and say "i'm a ninja" hahah. Even with your nun chucks, you have skills, it counts when you knock yourself out a couple times. <3 you.

I love your heart, wit, sarcasm, humor...your backward use of grammer. :> keke.. That's one thing ppl will probably never understand, our demented sense of humor. You are so beautiful, I wish you could have seen yourself through my eyes. We always protected each other way from the start. That night in the parking lot 20 years ago, that's when we knew what a power house team we were together. Every time you kicked someones ass, you were in a skirt and kicked off your heels. When we went partying, I'd think, "oh no, she's wearing a skirt.. that means trouble." Our friendship sparked from moment we met. You were the hottie every guy wanted but could never have. :)

You were my little "hermit crab" and I was always your "house ape." You use to say to me, "if I married your brother, then we would REALLY be sisters" hahah. I always considered you my sister. You were thicker than blood. Closer than family. We talked everyday all day, about everything and nothing. No one understood my jokes, and probably, no one really understood yours. hahahha. You knew me better then I knew myself and vice versa.

You're my stubborn little monkey. So stubborn!! I KNOW you loved your family more then anything in the world. Shane was your life!!You always asked me to look after your little sister, Ashley as well, ever since she was a little girl. That's a promise I've made and will always keep. She adored you as you did her. Star talked you into being her little delivery service. And you did it, cause you loved her. LOL. Star, you loved your mother for everything she's done, even though you would die before telling her. Too bad, "she probably knows now sucker." And I love your mom for bringing you into this world and making you who you've become, in turn, who I've become. A stronger and better person.

You beat me to the punch this time but we'll reunite again. You and your damn competetive nature. I love you I love you I love you! I'll see you again... can't say it here, but I'll meet you.. (you know where) <3 you with all my heart. For you, *CHEERS!* to the best mother, sister, daughter, god-mama and BEST FRIEND (and cat lover) anyone could have ever asked for. I'm grateful and lucky to have known you and had you in my life for these 20+ years. Our last words to each other, "i love you monkey", "i love you too" I'm glad I made the pit stop to see you one last time. As we use to say, "in the game of life, no one ever gets out alive." Cya soon my love!~