Posted by Scott Denison

11:13 AM / Posted by Sara Kaden N. /

last year, star masterminded a plan to fly us to colorado (where I'm from) for my birthday, she tried to trick me into thinking she was flying us to cabo, not a bad plan on her part, but the surprise was ruined a bit when she showed up having packed a lot of warm clothes, my whole family was in on it, but they played along, much to star's delight. for her, the real reason to go to Denver wasn't for my birthday, as she led me to believe. it was for her to go on a pilgrimage of sorts to casa Bonita, a famous Mexican restaurant, that features an old west themed show and attractions. she became obsessed with casa Bonita ever since she saw the south park episode where they go there, and i had told her it was a real place, and was exactly like in the show. when we got there she ran all over the place just like cartman, this was only a few months after she broke her femur and she was absolutely hauling ass! i could barely keep up..the whole time she kept repeating the lines from the show in her little cartman voice...

(Posted by Scott Denison)


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